The MindGarden Coaching Series Gives You Everything You Need To Manage Your Mental Health

The stigmas surrounding mental health are disappearing as the world begins to see more of the long-term benefits investing in mental health support offers. Understanding how to use the tools you need to manage moments of stress, anxiety, and "mind-chaos" can be found in anyon the MindGarden Coaching Programs.

Get started Today!

Hi, I’m Yolanda Lewis!

As your Mental Health Coach, my goal is to get in the passenger seat and navigate life with you as you drive. For 3 months (12 weeks) I'll be here to support, energize, and remind you of how amazing you are. Through mindfulness, mental strengthening, brain healing, and focused goal setting, you'll get to see a new you emerge before you've even completed any one of the MindGarden Coaching programs.

I've designed the MindGarden Coaching Series specifically for the person who needs a little help in getting through the overwhelming thoughts and feelings that keep them from seeing a bright future.

Whatever stage of life you're at, treat yourself well, cherish others, and awaken to the power with in you. If you need help in any one of those areas, you've come to the right place and

I'd love the opportunity to work with you!